Ihr Spezialist für nachhaltige Hochleistungschemikalien für die Präzisionsreinigung.


High performance chemicals designed for Industrial cleaning systems.

Removing epoxy can seem close to impossible, but we have discovered a series of mild, water-based epoxy removers that work perfectly with our precision cleaning equipment. These products will remove epoxy, paint and glue alike which comes in especially useful in wind blade production and other industries working with molds.

Why to use our products?

  • Designed for automatic cleaning systems
  • Environmental bio-degradable products
  • Tailored cleaning process with ANMASI cleaning chemicals
  • Low consumption and temperature

Wer verwendet dieses Produkt?

  • Kunststoffindustrie
    Effiziente Entfernung von Kunststoffspänen, Ölen und Verunreinigungen aus Prozessflüssigkeiten in Bearbeitungszentren. Wir verwenden speziell entwickelte Systeme für den Umgang mit den Kunststoffrückständen, was für eine qualitativ hochwertige Filtration von großer Bedeutung ist.
But the most important part is, we are not here to sell you chemicals. We are here to make sure your using the right ones with our cleaning systems to ensure you the best quality cleaning and lowest consumption.
Basically, it’s about focusing on the process instead of just the product, because we are looking at the chemicals and cleaning systems as a single related entity.
Technische Daten
Epoxy removerProductDescriptionIronStainless steelAluminiumBrassCobberPlasticTemp.pH-valueMixture
1000137Paint-away 2000Waterbased solvent for paint-and epoxyXXXXX45 – 70°C25 %
1000491Kemi Epoxy-cleaner 2000Mild solvent productXXXXXN/A100 %